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Why we care about #WorldEnvironmentDay


Today is #WorldEnvironmentDay - and with everything else going on in the world, perhaps understandably it did nearly pass us by. But it’s really important to think about the environment, especially given the fragile state of the world right now.

Joining a webcast this morning led by (lovely client), Refinitiv’s Head of Sustainability I heard talk of a ‘contagion of change’ and of the possibility now to use the Covid-19 crisis as a catalyst for driving towards a better environment for all. This year started off with Davos 2020 seeing world leaders and business leaders making strong commitments towards sustainability goals. We can’t let the crisis that has since ensued derail us totally from those.

It’s great to see those companies who are bringing this subject back to the forefront now. Companies using their changing practices since the start of the crisis to think about sustainability within their commitment to employees - whether it’s planning for greener commuting patterns for their people, or rethinking their offices with both health and the environment in mind.

I was especially heartened to hear that Refinitiv have met their 2020 goals for sustainability and are now working towards their next decade of action with clear objectives through to 2030. They continue to be a thought-leader in sustainability, shining a light for businesses around the world.

And this commitment is echoed through every level of their organisation. In activating their EVP we spoke to their employees from Manila to Bangalore to New York and this shared value was ever present. And that’s the true power of a ‘lived and breathed’ EVP - you hear all employees speaking together with one powerful voice that can drive change.

At Tonic when we’re looking at EVPs for a whole range of businesses, I’m seeing more and more that we’re bringing commitments to environmental, social and governance into the promise for both employees and candidates. These values are equally important for employees to get behind as they are for candidates to be clear on the kind of business they are choosing to build their careers in.

Pandora (also a lovely client), released their sustainability report today, and have received widespread press and recognition for their announcement that they will be making all their jewellery from recycled silver and gold by 2025. They’re stopping using newly mined silver and gold to preserve the earth and reduce air and water pollution.

I was also proud to see our pro-bono client Planet Earth Games launch their new website this week, with the new brand we helped them create that will set them up as a sustainability charity on the UK stage. The Planet Earth Games are committed to Healthy People, Healthy Planet - and that’s a commitment I think we can all get behind now. With the current situation their planned summer activity events schedule is turning virtual and they’re starting crowdfunding to create the world’s first carbon neutral Games with virtual events for all ages.

So just looking at a few of our clients I see much to be hopeful for on World Environment Day and I love to celebrate their successes and their continued drive towards a better world.

I hope you join me today in both being hopeful, and thinking about what you or your own organisation can do better.

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About Author

Ruth Faulkner
Ruth Faulkner

Head of Content

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