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Talent Acquisition: Good Find Campaign Launch

There’s a talent crunch in Talent Acquisition. It’s not great news as an employer if you can’t find the people that you need to find the people you need. So we’ve partnered with the RL100 to build the Good Find campaign.

Together, we wanted to do something for the TA industry to relieve the pressure that everyone in recruiting and hiring has been under for the last 18 months. There have not been enough people working to find talent in perhaps the toughest recruitment market in generations. Those that have been, have been working flat out.

We wanted to bring great people into TA by explaining why Talent Acquisition is a great career choice, an industry like no other. 

Think about it for a second. Finding the talent to run some of the biggest, and best, brands in the world is a big job. It’s hard to do it justice. But in many ways, it’s the glue that holds everything else together.

The Good Find campaign has been developed to create a movement that celebrates Talent Acquisition and the massive influence it has on the world around us. It’s not Tonic’s or the RL100’s, although we’ll drive the agenda together. This campaign is for everyone involved in the TA world. 

Here's the campaign launch film


Our aim is to help the TA community to find more great people to find the great people that employers need. People from sectors that have aligned skills - everyone from those in professional services, those in customer services, and even those with high-performance sports backgrounds. People who care about people, people who can unpick a strategic challenge, and who want to make a real difference in the way people find and access great careers.

The campaign launched its first phase at RecFest just over a week ago. And we’ve had a tremendous response so far. But now we need more people to get involved. We need your help please to activate the wider TA community.

Phase 1 is all about sharing pride in what TA delivers. Here's how you can help.

  • If you’re in TA visit GoodFind’s LinkedIn page and tell the world why a career in TA is amazing. You can share the launch film from there if you like it!, but maybe you could make your own? As long as you use the #GoodFindTA in any post, anywhere, you’ll be supporting the campaign. 
  • If you’re working for a creative agency, get involved too. We’ve begun the campaign, but we’re opening it up for any else to get stuck in too. Let us know if you want to add to the campaign materials we’re building and we’ll share the assets you might need. 

If you just want to stay up to date with how phase 1 progresses that'd be great too, there’s a campaign website to visit and leave your details. We’ll be in touch from time to time with updates.

Phase 1 is all about community and awareness. Phase 2 - where we’ll begin the attraction and application process kicks off in September, so the more noise we can all make now, the further our reach will be and the more people we’ll find.

We’re looking forward to seeing what we can all achieve by pulling together as a broader community, each with a vested interest in telling more people about what we do, and why they should want to be a part of it. We’d love it if you could get involved!

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About Author

Tom Chesterton
Tom Chesterton

Chief Executive and Co-Founder of Tonic. Brand geek, dislikes charlatans.

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