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Three ways your employer brand can work for you right now


At the start of March, we were asked by Brett & Andrea at Employer Brand International to write a few words about our three top tips for using Employer Brand as a business tool during the CV19 pandemic. A little bit of head scratching later, and the three points below were provided.

Here's what we said. See what you think:


“What are the top 3 initiatives you recommend in managing your employer brand through the pandemic?”

You must be proactive rather than reactive. The pandemic may have peaked, but the economic impact is just starting to be felt. The sense of fear, helplessness and concern that our people - current and future - are experiencing can be eased if we as employer brand leaders, actually take the lead, and communicate clearly, and consistently.

Firstly, consider how your employer brand is working inside your business. If it’s limited to a recruitment tool, then now’s the time to think more broadly. How does your employer value proposition impact right across the employee experience? Think about how your EB/EVP can make the experience you give better for your people - and then put that thought into practice. Engagement and advocacy will increase, as will retention and productivity. Take this opportunity to think widely, it may not happen again soon.

Take what’s special about your business on the inside, and make it clear on the outside too. For brands and businesses, being truly relevant to your people is more important than ever before. There is a window of opportunity right now for brands to seize the initiative and provide something fundamentally different or better than before: to move from good enough to best.

Brands need to use their influence, behaviours, resources, and capabilities united under a strong idea. And evidence it through the talent proposition (offerings, product, service), the candidate experience (touchpoints and interactions), as well as the marketing campaign.

Don’t go quiet. People are hungry for insight, support, and information. Brands that are fast out of the blocks, providing something with real, relevant, and added-value for people, creating a positive mood, and joining expectation with delivery, will benefit: driving brand preference and loyalty long into the future.


Our thoughts made it into the book of thoughts for the World Employer Branding Community. You can see the whole book here. We recommend page 17 specifically. Although you have just read that! 


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About Author

Tom Chesterton
Tom Chesterton

Chief Executive and Co-Founder of Tonic. Brand geek, dislikes charlatans.

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