Measurement - or metrics if you insist - based in pragmatism and reality.
Measurement - or metrics if you insist - based in pragmatism and reality.
No story is boring if you tell it the right way. You just got to find the right angle. Ask Lin Manuel Miranda, or if you don't have his number, perhaps Ruth might help?
We're told that we're on the last lap of the CV19 pandemic. What does that mean for your organisation? How can your brand respond as life begins to return to something like it used to be? When should..
Supporting your people should begin at the most fundamental level. Employees can only deal with the complicated stuff if their wellbeing foundation is robust enough.
If we must have jargon, let's make it better jargon that actually helps us.
We could all take a leaf out of the Jack Daniels book when it comes to creating an iconic, memorable brand that just keeps giving.
A lot of people throw around technical buzzphrases like AI, Machine Learning and Blockchain. What's meant by any of those, what those things are and are not actually good for.
The best pitch questions give you pause for thought. This is the stand out question we've been asked so far in 2020. See if you agree with our answer. Or, give us a better reply if you can!
You get a lot of vague chat about “innovation” at conferences or on LinkedIn, always with an implied sense that innovation is in and of itself a Good Thing (capital G, capital T) and that we ought to..
If an employer brand is actually going to achieve anything, it has to build associations in people’s minds about what makes you different from what they would have assumed anyway about you as an..
If you want to be an employer of choice, do you really need to be an EMPLOYER OF CHOICES instead?
When you think about innovation do you really think? Or, do you just think about the sparklers? Mark outlines how he thinks to innovate the candidate experience.
Part two of Marcus's expose of the pitch. This time from inside the agency... uncomfortably true.
Ever so slightly controversial, but is it time to begin talking morality, right and wrong, principles and ethics?